Seth Ari Cohen - Advanced Style
For the second task of the project we had to explain 3 ideas, one of mine was to make a fragrance for the older/mature women due to there being a lack of variety in the current selection its all the classic Chanel No.5. When researching i wanted to create something for cool grandmas that want to express who they really are which led me to researching and finding out about Ari-Cohen. He is a a photographer that goes around in New York and pictures the older generation who have style from which he documents it as "Advanced Style"
Here's one example, not everyday do you see older women dressed in leopard print strolling the streets embracing who they really are being being a nanny look. At first, when reading about this i thought how odd it was but now i see the beauty in it because theres no way that when i get to 80 years old i want to be dressed in boring trousers and a plain top. i want to be someone that is admired for still being who i am and expressing myself no matter the age.
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