The glamour that comes with perfume

Studying the fragrance industry, particularly perfume the last few weeks my group came up with 1 question which is why is it when we talk about perfume, see perfume, wear perfume, promote perfume that is has to be glamorised? I get that nobody wants a perfume that is ugly or has a horrendous smell but whats so bad about a average looking/smelling perfume?. Taking a closer look into the ingredients of perfume it is rarely known that some of the ingredients are actually things such as whale vomit and anal glands of a civet cat, these are just some of the facts we found out in our research.

So having done the research and thought about it long and hard we have decided that for our final part of the project we will create a brand/perfume for unconventional beauty which is basically questioning the whole glamorous side of perfume and creating something that is still pretty but not glamorous. You could probably call it and imperfectly, perfect fragrance.
