
Showing posts from 2017

Visual Merchandising for COW Nottingham


Obama and Charlottesville

Body Shaming

Holiday Blues


Fashion in the Media

Marbella Fashion

What am i obsessed with?

Louis Vuitton X Supreme = Cancelled

British Summer Time Festival - Justin Bieber

Year one - done

End of year 1 - Final Submission pre explanation

IKEA collabed with who?

My inspo for the day

Nicki wearing H&M

The glamour that comes with perfume

Met Gala

Could online retail potentially be transformed?


Missing New York

Seth Ari Cohen - Advanced Style

Moodboards and Ideas

The rise of niche fragrance

Perfume research: Jo Malone

Perfume Project

Summative Project

Empire State

Urban Street Style

Victoria Secret Exhibition NYC

Fashion Institution of Technology Museum